Showing 476 - 500 of 635 Results
Keeping the Body in Health by O'Shea, Michael Vincent, Ke... ISBN: 9781142431877 List Price: $30.75
Making the Most of Life by O'Shea, Michael Vincent, Ke... ISBN: 9781146927277 List Price: $30.75
Two Stories Or One? A Comparison Of The Nativity Stories In Matthew And Luke: Matthew And L... by Koplitz, Michael, Michael H... ISBN: 9781982088583 List Price: $5.49
The Need for the Old Testament to Understand the New Testament: An Examination of Matthew 22... by Koplitz, Michael, Michael H... ISBN: 9781979789721 List Price: $5.49
GROWING IN THE GOSPEL MODERNIZING JESUS’ PARABLES: Retelling the parables with modern day cu... by Koplitz, Michael, Michael H... ISBN: 9781979819541 List Price: $5.49
Breaking the 200 person attendance in Church: What is the secret to breaking this barrier? by Koplitz, Michael, Michael H... ISBN: 9781979844611 List Price: $5.49
Leading Christ's Church: Strategies for Pastoral Initiated Change In the Family Sized Church by Koplitz, Michael, Michael H... ISBN: 9781979843034 List Price: $6.99
Leadership in the Family-Sized Church: Sustaining, Growing or Declining: Defining the type o... by Koplitz, Michael, Michael H... ISBN: 9781979859066 List Price: $6.99
Church and Pastoral Surveys to Determine a Match or Gap: Matching the church’s pastoral lead... by Koplitz, Michael, Michael H... ISBN: 9781979889766 List Price: $5.49
The leadership structure of the Church at all Church Model Sizes: Defining the leadership st... by Koplitz, Michael, Michael H... ISBN: 9781979902274 List Price: $5.49
Leadership in the corporate-sized church Sustaining, growing or declining: Defining the type... by Koplitz, Michael, Michael H... ISBN: 9781979920957 List Price: $5.99
Leadership in the pastor-centered church Sustaining, growing or declining: Defining the type... by Koplitz, Michael, Michael H... ISBN: 9781979934893 List Price: $5.49
Can Game Theory Explain Today's Church Behavior? by Koplitz, Michael, Michael H... ISBN: 9781979953429 List Price: $5.49
Leadership in the program-centered church Sustaining, growing or declining: Defining the typ... by Koplitz, Michael, Michael H... ISBN: 9781979955850 List Price: $5.49
Examining the book of the revelation by symbolism: With a taste of how it can affect the Chu... by Koplitz, Michael, Michael H... ISBN: 9781979970129 List Price: $5.49
Discovering Biblical Treasures: Understanding Nahum: A Commentary on the Book of Nahum using... by Koplitz, Michael, Michael H... ISBN: 9781981222902 List Price: $7.00
Growing in the Gospel Five Years of "Something for the Refrigerator" Bible Commentary by Koplitz, Michael, Michael H... ISBN: 9781981241569 List Price: $10.99
Growing in the Gospels: Interpreting Jesus' Parables: What did "love your neighbor" mean in ... by Koplitz, Michael, Michael H... ISBN: 9781981224821 List Price: $5.49
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